Monday, June 17, 2019

Maybe I should start a blog.... Over again.... Or move to another blog medium.

I totally forgot that I had this.  I ran across this still being up after watching a YouTube video that mentioned the Snoopy Raspberry Pi drone (or something like that).  I googled the phrase to see if there was anything posted online and lo' and behold, I found a website with sort of instructions on how to set it up.  I also noticed that I was logged in....  Interesting.  Clicked on dashboard next to my email address and BAM!!!  Look at this gem.... Did I really only do 3 blog posts?  Almost 11 and a half years later and Google still hasn't deleted this....

So, many years later and I've moved out of languages (it was crushing my soul) and government work (also crushing my soul) and now I'm going into private sector Network Security job.  Maybe I should write up a post about how I transitioned.  Or maybe I should just start my own security/scuba/venting blog.  Might switch to a WordPress site, I don't know. 

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